According to the company, most complex and difficult developer data collection and processing processes can be built with a single Machbase Neo server. Machbase Neo is a database engine itself with ▲ MQTT server for IoT data, ▲ Web server supporting HTTP protocol for Rest API, ▲ gRPC server, high performance remote procedure call framework, very flexible and neutral in terms of the language developed by Google. , ▲ SSH server for data and manipulation security, the 4 essential functions are integrated. Developers can use all these functions immediately without complicated development and integration processes, just by driving Machbase Neo.
Additionally, with LINE protocol support, it is possible to link with Telegraf, a representative open source product for data collection, and the InfluxDB application of an open source time series DBMS can also be used without modification, which greatly expands the range of choices for developers, the company explained. .
The latest features of Machbase are also available without restrictions. You can download and test the source code for free from the github program source sharing system. Machbase Premium members enjoy a flexible policy that incorporates various business-required features and applies them to commercial sites.
The current Macbase Neo home page ( provides a manual that anyone can easily test. The whole installation and testing can be done in just 5 minutes, and you can also view different languages and sample visualizations.
Seongjin Kim, CEO of Machbase, said, “With Machbase Neo, we can process large amounts of IoT data easier and faster.